Parenting Counselor in Jupiter

Parenting Counselor in Jupiter

What is a parenting counselor?

Raising a child is an adventure that changes your life forever. As such, there are moments where you might find you need help to understand them or teach them important life lessons. In those moments, a parenting counselor in Jupiter will guide you and support you in making the best decisions for your kids.

Parenting is seen as a natural and private activity, which sometimes makes parents reluctant to see a parenting counselor. Maybe they think that they should be able to solve their problems alone, or perhaps they don’t want to share details of their personal lives with another party.

However, seeing a parenting counselor is one of the most beneficial things you can do if you’re having problems or doubts. Just as you would see a lawyers when you have a legal situation, you should see a parenting expert when you’re facing difficulties with your child.

A parenting counselor is a person, usually a licensed counselor, who provides parents with the necessary knowledge, guidance, tools and support to raise their children without any judgement or bias.

If your family wants the guidance of a parenting counselor in Jupiter, Life Focus Counseling can help your interfamily relationships improve, grow, and change for the better.

Do you feel lost raising your children? Do not worry! Contact us for an appointment with Marleen Roy, a parenting counselor in Jupiter with over a decade of experience in working with children, especially those affected with ADHD, a condition that many parents struggle to manage.

When you schedule an appointment with Marleen at Life Focus Counseling, you can expect expertise and guidance regarding parenting, especially to those parents that need a little direction to have a better relationship with their children.

There is no manual or instruction book on how to raise children, and many times parents feel as if they were alone, in over their heads or simply not connecting with their children. It’s never too late to have a strong, healthy, loving relationship with your children while also raising them to become self-sufficient, happy, and valuable members of society.

If you live in the area and you are looking for a parenting counselor in Jupiter, please contact our Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Marleen A. Roy.

Our locations:

The Nexus At Wellington 8401 Lake Worth Rd, Lake Worth, Fl 33467. Phone: 772-403-5844

Nexus at Wellington: 8401 Lake Worth Road, Lake Worth, FL 33467. Phone 561-329-4455 (W.P.B., Fl.)

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Parenting Counselor in Jupiter